Friday, March 11, 2011

Catch up...

Everyone knows the labor story by now, so I am not going to blog it. I am going to keep record in Ava's journal, so don't fret! So it is one month and 5 days after the most amazing thing that will ever happen to my life happened, and I can say I am completely in-love with Ava. I am not going to lie and say it's been all sunshine and rainbows. We have had ups and downs, but the undeniable love is always there.

The amazing things: the first time she looked at me and realized I was her mother, when she stared at her hand for a few minutes, every time she smiles..okay now I realize this could go on forever.

She has rolled on her side three times already, and she is holding her head up for several minutes at a time. She is sleeping 5 to 6 hours at a time during the night.

Things we need to work on:

I don't know how to cut her nails. I tried this morning and clipped her finger tip. We were both crying for many minutes.

She doesn't go to bed until 11, hopefully that will change!

All in all, just love. She rocks.

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