Sunday, December 26, 2010


I have had this fear that Ava is going to come out a boy after I have everything all set up and ready. At the last sono, the sonographer assured me that she was a girl, and showed me her labia up front and close. So, I washed all her clothes, finally. However, now I am getting scared that she's a penguin. She moves so much, she going to come out like happy feet.

I am very thankful this Christmas for all that I have, a wonderful family, great friends, and a baby girl on the way. I am especially thankful for my wonderful husband, who is going to be an incredible father. I am extremely happy!

People keep asking me me if I can hardly wait for Ava's arrival. I can, actually. I am enjoying this time being pregnant. I cherish every moment of this experience, and would not want to rush it for anything.

8 Months

Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 18, 2010

I have been coughing for a week, and Ava is not enjoying it at all!

On a positive note, the shower that my Aunt Charline "grantie", and my grandmother threw me was absolutely wonderful. I cried when I walked in. Charline said it was the hormones, but hormones or not, it touched me that my family cares so much about me and little Ava!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I registered today at Target, Babies R Us, and Buy Buy Baby. That was fun!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September 29, 2010

She is for sure a girl. I finally gained a pound this office visit. I've been eating a lot of cake.

I am really feeling Ava move around. I think she might be a gymnast!