Monday, September 5, 2011

The last four months...

So, I apparently am not very good at keeping blogs updated. How do people find the time? So much has happened in the last four months of Ava's life.

Let's start with the summer. We enjoyed out time together, although it was so hot, we stayed indoors most of the time. This was the hottest summer I've ever had in Austin, and it basically trapped us in the house most of the time. We did get to the pool a few times, and Ava enjoyed swimming and splashing.

The highlight of the summer was out trip to Ft. Lauderdale with Lyndi, Aric, and Stella. We stayed right on the beach and Ava saw the ocean for the first time. She got a kick out of it! We swam and laid on the beach. It was nice to get out of the texas heat, and get some ocean air.

We also headed up to Cedar Creek Lake with cousins Ericha and Andrew and the pups. That was a nice get away before school started.

The summer was filled with milestones for Ava. She had her first solid food. At first we gave her rice cereal, but that seemed to upset her stomach. We replaced it with oatmeal and she did much better with that. Her first veggie was carrot, and she has pretty much liked everything we've given her. She loves to eat! Her bottom two teeth came in at the end of August. I never knew teeth could be so cute.

Ava sleeps through the night now, thanks to Dr. Ferber. It was only about two days of torture, but worth every minute to be able to sleep through the night, especially now that we started school. She cried the first few days of school, but seems to have gotten used to it. I still hear her crying when I pass by at times, but it doesn't last long. I think she likes to be around other babies. They tell me she's feisty, which I kinda already knew. She definitely has an opinion. Having her in day care is not the ideal situation for me, but at least she is close by and I can check in on her often.

It was August 26th. It was a hot day, just like any other day we've experienced for the last month. But there was a difference in little Ava. She crawled for the first time. No more whining and crying out of frustration. No more sad face telling me "Please help me, I'm stuck!". Watch out world, the girl is on the move! She has been so much happier since that day, and she has made me so proud.

Ava was sick for the first time this weekend. Guess I should consider ourselves lucky that we went 7 months without anything major. She had a cold, as did I. She had a low fever and was pretty fussy for two days, but we made it through it just fine, and plan to enjoy the remainder of our three day weekend!